Changed Files and Future Updates

Hey all, thought I would talk a little abit what went down with this project and why things will be changing in the future.

I had issues packaging the project when release day came, for some reason everything worked fine testing and running within the engine, but for the published version a number of issues arose that forced me to create the game, not only out of order story wise, but literally everything had to be altered just to get it out there. I'm currently troubleshooting to figure out what I can do to include the larger maps I had made, as they not only were bigger and had more content, but they also looked better and ran at a higher fps due to being heavily optomized.

I'll be going over how it works within the engine, vs the packaged build.




a large island comprised of a number of keys and mountain ranges, which includes the cliff fall scene at the beginning, and the main characers home town, with a semi populated city full of npcs that can be communicated with. This Island appears frequently throughout the story, for visits back home, and a class trip to learn survival skills.

City Of Progress - A large city with four sections to explore that's loosely based on Shiobuya, and has the Shibuya Scramble Center and Shibuya Mall recreated within it (loosely). Buildings in this location included...

BTZ Radio Tower; A Radio Station started by three academy and ex academy members

Horizon Tower; A Phone company building that's ran by the mob and allows you body to be used as colateral when you don't have money to back your purchases.

Bammer Hospital; A large hospital that treats wounds of any type using strange and archaic methods, often leading to the deaths of it's patients, which then need to be revived and healed by the elements academy.

Ligma Medical Center; The only medical center that's capable of treating Ligma, though when cases are low, they will also treat basic wounds and provide some prescription medicines.

Elements Academy - including five sets of dorms, a community pool, a large courtyard, a coffee house, and a gym, the elements Academy is a large university that provides an array of resources, taking up roughly 1/4 of the city of progresses current map.

America Hamburger Country Restaurant; A restaurant that serves food with a side of fries and a gun. They are known for being exceedingly patriotic, violent, and vehemently against veganism, serving weapons and a side of justice to customers while wearing skimpy uniforms and using shameless tactics to increase their tips and general profitability. America Hamburger Country is the only gun store, and is the dominating restaurant of it's region, despite it's frequent gun fights and mortality rate of roughly 5%. The store is located between Bammer Hospital, Elements Academy, Progress Mall, and an apartment complex. As Malory, you can work at this restaurant as a body guard, server, food runner, and eventually a cook too.

America Hamburder Country Tower; A skyscraper built near the restaurant that handles all corporate related issues for AHC.

America Hamburger Country Warehouse; A warehouse just outside of the restaurant that provides America Hamburger Country with it's resources, and is one of the possible jobs you can work as Malory. The job duties include putting packages out of trucks and onto the conveyor belt, then for trucks that need to be loaded, you will use a cmnputer terminal to call the appropriate boxes, pull them from the conveyor belt, and load them onto the proper pallets within a limited amount of time.

Memitim Labs Research Tower; Only the lobby may be entered, and a small office through a cutscene. This is where Kaito works, it is outside of the city of progress scramble center, though it is still within the city of progress. This may not be found via the overworld, but must be traveled to via subway.

Karaoke Tower; A small tower in the Indie Square that players and go to with friends for karaoke night. A minigame will appear, allowing you to sing along to a few songs, and if you score high enough you can win a prize. This was included to tackle an optional theme within the game jam.

Progress Mall; Due to being the main border between the end of the map and progress city, only the outside was accessible, but it included a few small rides, and some market stands.

Progress Gorilla Memorial Center; A large Memorial Statue of a Gorilla just outside the Mall on the outskirts of the Progress Scramble Center. Within the Memorial Center is also a Gift Shop, which players can buy collectibles from to decorate their room.

Malorys Dorm; Malory has a room within the Dorm on campus at the Elements academy. In the top floor is Malorys Room. Just outside is a laundry room, and a set of outdoor stairs you can use to climb to lower levels. At the lowers level is a small cafeteria like environment.

Bank of Progress; A large tower that has a bank for the main floor, and office spaces for the floors up above (Though you can't travel into these office spaces, as the stairs dont exist currently). You may go into the bank and withdraw money from the coutry, though this is also possbile at ATMs located throughout the city.

Progress Subway Station; The subway station entrances are decorated throughout town, though you can't actually use them. Instead, when you approach the subway, a menu appears listing the different possible locations, and the subway acts as a fast travel between them in case you don't want to walk across town.

Progress Scramble Police Box; Located by the scramble center and gorilla memorial, a small police box protrudes from the progress city mall (included in the same spot the police box is included in shibuya off of the scramble center)

Indie Marketplace; Roughly 30 small stores located within a few feet of each other, and have a physical space less than 15x15. These different stores are designed to look like they sell different goods, though no functionality is included currently besides that.

Fascas; A grocery chain that has it's employees dress in univorms that are reminiscent of old Soviety military officer uniforms.

Dee V's DD's; A movie store ran by Dee V, an ex model and indie film star who is known for her good looks, horrible acting, and meme worthy dialogue. Kaito currently works as a store clerk here.

Coffee Buns; A maid cafe with a strong rabit theme, including real bunnies, bunny girls, bunny boys, and an assortment of rabit treats and rabbit fun facts

Stuff + Things; a pawn shop that has a little bit of everything. Haven't really expanded on this much.

Cucci; A luxury clothing store for buying dress wear. Currently it is designed only with an interior, but I planned to include different outfits you can buy for Malory down the road

Bobba Bubble House; A traditional Japanese Hot Spring and Bath house that serves Tea and Bobba.

Laundro-matic; an automated laundromat that is coin operated. Located within the indie center.

The little corner store; Just a small corner store without any functionality.

POWERS - Instead of only allowing the option of Fire, there were supposed to be selectable options... Fire, Ice, Lightning, Psychic, Combat, and Time were all going to be possible options, and each would have it's own unique character design, which was already made and is in the project, but it's unable to be used currently due to a packaging error.

DIALOGUE - Much of the dialogue included was cropped or added in the wrong order due to internal issues. For some reason, certain dialogue options that were written broke the characters, and since I was short on time, I didn't have enough time to copy and paste it over to the over dialogue trees and replace it that way. Most character dialogue included is based on real conversations I've had with friends, but some are references, or dialogue that's been written by me. The most eccentric examples are based on real conversations, or they are a pop culture reference of some sort.

CUTSCENES - An issue arose where I would risk a memory leak when running cutscenes, or not run cuntscenes at all, due to how the horror engine camera operates when possessing a camera other than my own. Each npc is set up with a specialized camera, but it can't be used right now due to this limitation. With some rewriting, I'm positive I can fix it, that way each dialogue can have a unique scene with different camera angles.

LEVELS INCLUDED - I removed the largest levels, split them into unoptimized sections to get it working in the packaged build, and remade the intro map due to the large map not working. Only the shape of some of the landscape was kept, however the house position, enemies, and even the landscape materials used were completely different. This will be changed once the full map is working in the packaged build

Files 1.4 GB
Version 3 5 days ago 1.4 GB
Version 3 5 days ago

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